Friday, December 20, 2013


Gosh, it is hot today.

Got some nice beans from the "bean bed".

Monday, December 16, 2013

Canoeing on the Woronora River

I hired a canoe from here and had a lovely couple of hours. I ended up with sunburnt ankles and stiff shoulders but it was worth it. I could get into this.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Canoeing at Audley

We drove to Audley in the Royal National Park and hired a canoe from the boat-shed there. We were out for two hours and once we had worked out a chain of command progressed very nicely. We had the river to ourselves and I have to say that boating through the bush is better than hiking. There are no hills on gentle inland waters. A lovely morning!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Kayaking at Tea Gardens

On thre second day of our camping trip we decided to try our hand at kayaking. It was a lovely spot on the Myall river at Tea Gardens and the people who took us on the tour were great. Unfortunately I had major problems in fitting into the kayak. As the picture show I was leaning back and couldn't get myself upright. The shooting pains in my thighs detracted rather from the pleasures of the trip!

However I liked the concept so I shall investigate to see if kayaks come in larger sizes; I shall never be able to emulate a swivel hipped Inuit!

The pelicans were not that impressed either.

I was rather taken with this houseboat.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Raised Garden Beds

I had always regarded Aldi as a food supermarket. I was alerted by friends to their special purchases on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I bought six raised garden beds that they had at a very nice price and I have put up three of them.

 This one has lettuces and a couple of cucumbers at the back. The bed is in a shady position (to suit the lettuces which bolt at the drop of a hat if put out in the open) and it has been favoured with a brick plinth
 The second bed has been planted with perennial basil, parsley, french beans and leeks. I fear that I might have been a little bit optimistic about my plant spacing.
 The beans are forming nicely.
An indulgence - a mass planting of petunias with a couple of geraniums.